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Category Archives: Floripa

Centro de Florianópolis: Oportunidade de Investimentos Imobiliários após a Revitalização
Center of Florianópolis: Opposite...
Florianópolis is not just a beach. Recently, the central region of the city has been undergoing an unprecedented urban revitalization, transforming the area into a hub...
Apr 01, 2024 , 0
Ironman 2024: Na Praia dos Ingleses em Florianópolis
Ironman 2024: At Praia dos I...
On April 14th, amateur triathletes from different parts of the world will come together to face the 1.9 km swim, 90 km cycle...
Mar 26, 2024 , 0
Maratona Cultural de Florianópolis 2024: Um dos eventos mais importantes no calendário cultural da cidade
Florian Cultural Marathon...
The 10th edition of the Florianópolis Cultural Marathon promises to be a grand event, moving the entire capital of Santa Catarina between the 22nd and 24th of ...
Mar 22, 2024 , 0
Florianópolis no SXSW 2024: Destaque do Ecossistema Tech Catarinense
Florianópolis at SXSW 2024: ...
South By Southwest (SXSW), one of the most renowned events in the innovation, culture and technology scene, brought in its 2024 edition a look...
Mar 19, 2024 , 0
Paddle Palooza Festival em Floripa: Stand-Up, Caiaque e Canoa
Paddle Palooza Festival in F...
Florianópolis, the Island of Magic, is known for its paradisiacal beaches, natural beauty and cultural excitement. But, on March 16th, the city will host...
Mar 08, 2024 , 0
Floripa Film Fest: Celebração da cultura do surfe através do cinema
Floripa Film Fest: Celebration...
The Floripa Film Fest was born with the mission of bringing the public a unique and artistic look at the world of surfing. For three days,...
Mar 08, 2024 , 0
Praia Mole recebe o 14º Layback Pro da WSL
Praia Mole hosts the 14th Layb...
Praia Mole in Florianópolis is preparing to once again welcome the world's surfing elite. Until March 10th, the beach will host...
Mar 08, 2024 , 0
Morar no Brasil com a Liberdade do Exterior
Living in Brazil with Libertad...
Living in Brazil with freedom from abroad is a growing desire for many people and families in search of tranquility and security without giving up...
Feb 07, 2024 , 0
Estilo de vida do Campeche: A influência de Bali nas praias do Sul do Brasil
Campeche lifestyle:...
Campeche lifestyle --- In the 70s, 80s and 90s, a singular phenomenon began to shape the lifestyle in several ...
Jan 26, 2024 , 0
WTA em Jurerê: O maior torneio de Tênis Feminino em Florianópolis
WTA in Jurerê: The biggest tournament...
One of the most anticipated stages of WTA 125, the biggest tournament in the country and the first in the series on Brazilian soil after seven years. In ...
Nov 13, 2023 , 0