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Category Archives: Decor

Design de Interiores: Imagens mostram a evolução em 500 anos
Interior Design: Image...
Interior design, the art of shaping internal space to make it functional, aesthetic and comfortable, has deep roots in the history of civilization. Or...
May 22, 2024 , 0
Villas Italianas de Luxo: a evolução no design de interiores
Luxury Italian Villas: the...
Luxury villas have a rich and fascinating history dating back well over 2000 years. The first known villas...
Oct 19, 2023 , 0
CASACOR Florianópolis 2023: a celebração da Arquitetura e Sustentabilidade em Floripa
CASACOR Florianópolis 2023: ...
CASACOR Florianópolis 2023 has been open to the public since the 17th. At this year's event, the architects had as their central theme the...
Sep 22, 2023 , 0
CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2023: Transformando um Palacete em um Hotel Boutique com 43 Ambientes
CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2023:...
CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2023 is back and brings with it an innovative proposal that promises to delight visitors: the transformation of a mansion into a ...
Aug 17, 2023 , 0
CASACOR São Paulo 2023
CASACOR São Paulo 2023
CASACOR São Paulo, the main event of the most complete exhibition of architecture, landscaping, art and interior design in the Americas, was hosted at Conjunto ...
Aug 04, 2023 , 0
Apartamento decorado em Florianópolis, praticidade e sofisticação
Decorated apartment in Flor...
Thinking about buying a decorated apartment in Florianópolis? It is an option that offers a series of benefits for you as a real estate investor. In this article, we will discuss...
May 02, 2023 , 0
Mobiliário de luxo para Garden e as novas tendências
Luxury furniture for Garden...
More than ever, the gardens have become a true sanctuary for those looking for a haven of peace and tranquility amid the hustle and bustle of...
Apr 21, 2023 , 0
CASACOR SC 2022: The event is taking place in Florianópolis, at Escola Silveira de Souza. Through a partnership with the Franklin Cascaes Foundation, an organization ...
Oct 28, 2022 , 0
Salão de Milão: Um local de encontro privilegiado que combina história e modernidade
Milan Motor Show: A place of...
Milan Salon: The Salone de mobile took place last June in Milan, a privileged meeting place. It simultaneously combines history and modernity...
Aug 11, 2022 , 0
CASACOR is an exhibition created by Yolanda Figueiredo and Angélica Rueda, and was created with the aim of being a social, cultural and charitable event. ...
Jul 26, 2022 , 0