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January 25, 2024

New Contemporary Luxury in Florianópolis: Architect Juliana Pippi

Nowadays, the new contemporary luxury transcends the mere possession of valuable objects, entering the realm of sophistication that manifests itself in the harmony between art and aesthetics. In other words, much more than the ownership of an object, it is about the experience that this object provides. In the Florianopolitan architecture scene, this new contemporary luxury has a name that stands out: Juliana Pippi.

Juliana Pippi's Journey

Juliana Pippi, uma renomada arquiteta nascida há 39 anos em Florianópolis, emerge como uma figura central no cenário nacional e internacional. Portanto, com sua notável jornada, repleta de reconhecimentos e prêmios, a coloca no topo da lista de arquitetos mais conceituados. Bem como, a habilidade única de imprimir um estilo e alma em cada projeto a distingue, com muita sofisticação, solidificando seu lugar entre os melhores nomes do país.

New Luxury: The Search for Experience

We live in an era that values experience over the accumulation of material goods. Therefore, in this context, decoration plays a crucial role in representing the delicate balance between simplicity and sophistication.

Simplicity and Sophistication in Harmony

In the new contemporary luxury, the search for harmony between simplicity and sophistication is imperative. It's not just about accumulating valuable objects, but about integrating elements that complement each other, creating an atmosphere of refinement and good taste. In this way, Juliana Pippi, with her mastery, incorporates these principles into each project, elevating the concept of elegance to new levels.

Concepts and Aesthetics in New Luxury Decoration

Within the world of decoration, the incorporation of different concepts and aesthetics plays a vital role in the new contemporary luxury. From minimalist styles to more ornate approaches, the diversity of aesthetic choices provides a unique experience in each space designed by Pippi.

The Media Rise of Juliana Pippi

Juliana Pippi is not only a talented architect, but also a media personality. Its name shines on the pages of renowned publications, such as Casa Claudia, Casa & Jardim, Casa Vogue and Bamboo, highlighting its presence in the most sold titles in the sector. This media recognition contributes to solidifying its position as a reference in the Brazilian scene.

A Career of Achievements

With almost two decades of career, the awards are piling up for Pippi. His most recent highlight was his inclusion among the 12 best Brazilian professionals in the World Design Rankings. Alongside renowned names such as Marcio Kogan, Fernanda Marques and the Mula Preta Design studio, Pippi consolidates her place as a leader in interior architecture.

The Enchanting Scenery of Santa Catarina

The warm atmosphere of Santa Catarina Island is an extension of Pippi's talent. His charming apartment on Rua Almirante Lamego reflects the charm of the coming and going of retired residents, evoking the sweet perfumes of the streets of Leblon, in Rio de Janeiro. The Donna magazine report, conducted on a hot February afternoon, comes to life with the verses of “Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars”, by Tom Jobim, echoing across the landscape.

Balance in Contemporary Luxury Living

As humanity advances, the search for balance between the urban lifestyle and proximity to nature stands out. This balance expresses the new contemporary luxury, where sophistication coexists harmoniously with simplicity, creating environments that reflect the complexity of modern life.

Art as a Central Element

The presence of art plays a crucial role in new contemporary luxury. Paintings, sculptures and other forms of art are not just valuable adornments, but integral elements that contribute to the unique atmosphere of contemporary luxurious spaces.

The Importance of Innovative Design

In addition to art, innovative design also plays a key role. Exclusive designed furniture and objects add layers of sophistication to environments, creating a visual narrative that elevates the aesthetic experience to exceptional levels.

Experience as Value in New Luxury

In the new contemporary luxury, experience is valued more than mere possession. Each decoration choice, whether a painting on the wall or a piece of furniture, contributes to the construction of a unique and personalized narrative, providing exceptional value.

The Pippi Style: A Unique Approach

In a revealing interview, Juliana Pippi shares her unique approach: “I don't do an area where I can't create a style. In other words, there are a lot of people who call me to just set things up, they already have a base. That is not my project. It may seem a bit challenging, but I think about the soul of the house. I need to get it from the embryo. This way, I do a lot of apartments who just left the construction company. The thing is to have the concept, it’s the soul of the project, it’s not just the comic on the wall for a photo.”

Juliana, Design fair ambassador in Paris

The architect and designer Juliana Pippi was Brazil's ambassador at the prestigious fair Maison et Objet from 2024, at french capital. The event is one of the main events in the design segment. Juliana is the only Brazilian participant on the team of ambassadors and was nominated by the official representative of Maison et Objet in Brazil, Mariana Amaral.

A Celebration of Sophisticated Experience in New Contemporary Luxury

Por fim, o luxo contemporâneo é uma celebração da experiência sofisticada que vai além da simples aquisição de objetos de valor. Ou seja, é a harmonia entre simplicidade e sofisticação, a integração de diferentes conceitos e estéticas, e a busca constante pelo equilíbrio na vida contemporânea. Dessa forma, ao abraçar a arte, o design e a experiência, mergulhamos verdadeiramente na essência do novo luxo contemporâneo de Florianópolis.

Category: Luxury Blog