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Category Archives: Economia

Investir em imóveis, saia do aluguel e construa patrimônio – a grande lição dos Boomers
Invest in real estate, get out of...
Would a Millennial in 2023 say: Is investing in real estate still a wise choice? When we look at true capital appreciation over time, it becomes...
November 30, 2023 , 0
Forbes: A contribuição de Santa Catarina para o ecossistema tecnológico do Brasil
Forbes: Sa's contribution...
According to a recent Forbes article, Santa Catarina, located in the south of Brazil, is determined to increase its position in the country's innovation scenario, taking advantage of ...
September 8, 2023 , 0
Florianópolis é o 5º melhor lugar para se aposentar, do BR e EUA
Florianópolis is the 5th best...
Florianópolis is elected the 5th best place to retire in the latest survey released in 2020 by the Mongeral Aegon Longevity Institute in partnership with...
May 29, 2023 , 0
Apartamento decorado em Florianópolis, praticidade e sofisticação
Decorated apartment in Flor...
Thinking about buying a decorated apartment in Florianópolis? It is an option that offers a series of benefits for you as a real estate investor. In this article, we will discuss...
May 2, 2023 , 0
Jurerê Internacional 2050: projeto de desenvolvimento sustentável
Jurerê Internacional 2050: p...
The Jurerê Internacional 2050 project aims to transform the region into one of the most modern and sustainable tourist destinations in the world. To achieve this goal, the...
April 4, 2023 , 0
Aluguel de short e long stay em Florianópolis: escolha inteligente para investir
Short and long stay rental...
With this growing demand for short and long-term accommodation in the city, the Florianópolis real estate market is increasing in value. Owners...
April 1, 2023 , 0
Marina Beira-Mar Norte de Florianópolis e seu Projeto Urbano
Marina Beira-Sea North of FL...
Marina Beira-Mar North of Florianópolis and its Urban Project: Approved in 2022 by the Florianópolis City Council. The project is designed by ARK7 Arquitetos...
January 26, 2023 , 0
Quanto custa o metro quadrado de imóveis de alto padrão em Florianópolis?
How much does a square meter cost...
Property appreciation: How much does a square meter of high-end properties cost in Florianópolis? A publication made by NSC Total informs that FipeZap ...
September 21, 2022 , 0
Metro quadrado: imóveis de alto padrão em Florianópolis? Quanto custa?
Square meter: high-end properties...
Square meter: The value of high-end properties in Florianópolis may vary according to the proximity to the beach or sea view. Good ...
February 18, 2022 , 0
Modalidades de financiamento imobiliário
Financing modalities...
Real estate financing options: Last week we did a super special live with Rafael Bier from Competence Cred, who has been in the market for 12 years. ...
June 22, 2021 , 0