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May 6, 2024

Starlink in SC: SAMU, Police Vehicles and Aircraft

The Government of Santa Catarina, through the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SCTI), led by Secretary Marcelo Fett's team, is implementing a revolutionary innovation in the public security sector. This involves the use of technology provided by the company Starlink, owned by businessman Elon Musk, to make available satellite internet for Santa Catarina Civil Police and Military Police vehicles. As well as for aircraft operating throughout the state.

Technological Innovation to Improve Emergency Services

Firstly, this technological advancement is part of an ongoing effort by the state government to modernize and improve the emergency services offered to the population. Therefore, by providing connectivity even in remote regions or areas where the conventional signal is weak, the use of Starlink technology aims to guarantee effective communication. Especially among security teams and central authorities. As a result, thus increasing the efficiency of relief and intervention operations.

The initiative began with the implementation of an experimental project in Civil Police vehicles. Thus, the first results were promising, demonstrating the ability of satellite internet to improve response to emergency situations. For example, during a serious accident that recently occurred on BR-282, in Rancho Queimado, an ambulance equipped with Starlink technology was able to coordinate the rescue of victims more quickly and efficiently thanks to the stable and high-quality connection with the Regulation Center Emergency Department of Samu.

Expansion and Future Projections

Following the initial success of the pilot project, the government plans to expand the use of Starlink technology to other areas of public safety. Therefore, it is planned to install reception antennas at strategic bases, such as the Aeropolice Service (Saer). Thus ensuring comprehensive coverage across the entire Santa Catarina territory. Furthermore, a financial feasibility study is underway to determine the investments required for the acquisition and large-scale implementation of this innovative technological solution.

Benefits and Positive Impacts

The benefits of adopting satellite internet are numerous. In addition to providing continuous and reliable communication, regardless of geographic or weather conditions, this technology allows the sending and receiving of heavy data, such as images and videos, in real time. This not only speeds up relief and intervention operations, but also provides security teams with a crucial advantage in combating crime and protecting the population.

According to recent data from the Minha Conexão ranking, Santa Catarina is the Brazilian state where the internet provided by Starlink reaches the highest average speed, reaching an impressive 103.12 Mbps. Therefore, this exceptional performance places the state in a privileged position when it comes to high-quality connectivity. Significantly surpassing other regions of the country.

Elon Musk's Journey in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina: From Pirão de Nailo to the Conquest of Mars

Em um encontro aparentemente casual no ano de 2000, o destino reservou um momento histórico para Florianópolis. Nessa ocasião, Elon Musk, acompanhado de seu amigo Peter Diamandis, discutiu a possibilidade de empreender no setor de foguetes espaciais. No entanto, pouco se sabia na época que essa conversa despretensiosa seria o ponto de partida para a revolução no espaço sideral liderada por Musk. Dois anos após essa reunião, surgia a Tesla, seguida, no ano subsequente, pela SpaceX. O objetivo? Baratear o custo das missões espaciais e alcançar o planeta vermelho: Marte.

The Emergence of SpaceX in Florianópolis

Em 2021, durante uma entrevista entre Diamandis e Musk, veio à tona o fato curioso de que a ideia inicial para a SpaceX teria sido concebida em solo catarinense, mais especificamente em Florianópolis. Descobriu-se que Musk e Diamandis se hospedaram na encantadora região da Conceição Lagoon, where they enjoyed local hospitality and, according to reports, visited the traditional Oliveira restaurant, on the edge of the lagoon.

The Legend of Waiter Piá

Among the stories circulating in the city, one figure emerges as a key player in this historic meeting: the popular waiter Piá, from the iconic Oliveira restaurant. According to Salomão Ribas Junior, a retired advisor to the TCE (State Audit Court), it was Piá who suggested to Musk the idea of creating a space rocket company. It is believed that, during dinner, Piá shared with Musk not only the recipe for the famous pirão “de nailo”, but also the insight that putting a cell phone battery in a car and envisioning a journey to the Moon would be just the beginning. , encouraging you to aim further, towards Mars.

The Story on the Napkin and the Legal Action

A picturesque story came to life, in which Musk, on a napkin, wrote down Piá's suggestions. Years later, Tesla and SpaceX would appear. However, the plot took legal shape when Piá began to envisage the possibility of a billion-dollar lawsuit against Musk, claiming copyright on his ideas.

See Elon Musk's interview in which he reveals about Florianópolis

Finally, the partnership between the Government of Santa Catarina and the company Starlink represents an important milestone in the modernization and optimization of the state's public security services. By adopting cutting-edge technologies and investing in improving communications infrastructure, the government demonstrates its commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens. In other words, with the successful implementation of satellite internet, police vehicles and aircraft are now better equipped to face the challenges of the 21st century and offer an effective response to emergencies.

A jornada de Elon Musk em Florianópolis transcende a mera casualidade, tornando-se um capítulo fundamental na história da exploração espacial. Dessa forma, a lenda do garçom Piá, com suas sugestões aparentemente simples, ecoa como um lembrete de que grandes ideias muitas vezes nascem de encontros fortuitos e conversas despretensiosas. Enquanto o debate sobre os direitos autorais continua, a cidade de Florianópolis permanece marcada como o ponto de partida de uma das maiores aventuras da humanidade: a conquista de Marte.

With information:
Claudia Botelho @ Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of Santa Catarina
Cocoa Menezes @ ND+

Category: Luxury Blog