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May 15, 2024

GDP of Santa Catarina: Goal is to increase the share of the technology sector to 10%

Santa Catarina's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) aims to increase the technology sector's share to 10%. This ambitious initiative is driven by the creation of the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (SCTI) in 2023, under the leadership of Governor Jorginho Mello. This move not only recognizes the growing importance of technology in the economy, but also signals a serious commitment to sustainable development. As well as, with global competitiveness.

The Creation of the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation, and Its Impact

SCTI represents a significant milestone in the state of Santa Catarina's commitment to innovation and technological advancement. Therefore, under the direction of Secretary Marcelo Fett, the secretariat is actively working to integrate the technology sector with traditional companies. Especially in industry, with new technologies. Therefore, this integration effort is essential to boost competitiveness and stimulate economic growth throughout the Santa Catarina region.

Strategic Partnerships for Technological Development

One of SCTI's main strategies is to establish strategic partnerships with companies and institutions across the state. In other words, the objective is to promote collaborative innovation and facilitate the development of technological solutions that meet the needs of society. As a result, visits and meetings are now being held regularly to strengthen these partnerships and identify opportunities for collaboration.

ACATE in the Promotion of Santa Catarina Technology

The Santa Catarina Technology Association (ACATE) plays a crucial role in Santa Catarina's innovation ecosystem. Committed to promoting the growth of the technology sector and encouraging innovative entrepreneurship. Therefore, collaboration between SCTI and ACATE is essential. Ready to boost the digital economy and position Santa Catarina as a world-class technology hub.

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ACATE Objectives

ACATE's board is focused on strengthening the mechanisms that accelerate the development of technology companies at all stages. In other words, from conception to exponential growth. Therefore, to achieve this goal, it intends to reinforce the strategic programs that accompany the entrepreneurial journey. As a result, providing support at all stages of company growth.

Connection and Training of Talents

One of the main focuses is to promote connections between experienced entrepreneurs and those who are starting their journeys. Furthermore, ACATE recognizes the importance of training talent to meet the demand for qualified professionals in the technology sector. The creation of the Talents vice-presidency highlights the commitment to providing training programs. So that they meet the needs of companies and promote the growth of the technological ecosystem.

Regional Governance and Expansion

ACATE is also committed to strengthening the governance of Santa Catarina's regional hubs, promoting the expansion of the technological ecosystem throughout the state. Through initiatives such as mapping the maturity of each region and implementing strategic programs. Like the MIDITEC incubator and the LinkLab open innovation program, ACATE seeks to consolidate its presence in all regions of Santa Catarina.

Impact Beyond State Borders

In addition to reaching the target of 10% of state GDP, ACATE aims to expand its impact beyond the borders of Santa Catarina. Via strategic partnerships and expansion projects in other states, such as São Paulo and Ceará. It seeks to strengthen the recognition of companies from Santa Catarina at national and international level.

Favorable Scenario in Santa Catarina

The favorable economic scenario in Santa Catarina, combined with the diversification of segments and the predominant B2B business model, has contributed to the resilience of the technology sector in the state. Robust infrastructure and qualified labor. As well, the quality of life provided by Santa Catarina continues to attract entrepreneurs and companies. In this way, supporting the growth of the technological ecosystem.

The Potential for Innovation in the South of Santa Catarina

The South of Santa Catarina is also emerging as a center for innovation and entrepreneurship. The Criciúma Innovation Center (CRIO) is playing a crucial role in this process. Providing a favorable environment for the development of startups and innovative projects. Through a collaborative approach that involves government, academia, the business sector and society, CRIO is driving innovation. And as a result, it stimulates economic growth in the southern region of the state.

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Driving Innovation in the Agro Sector: The Strategic Partnership between SCTI's Government Innovation Laboratory and ACATE's LinkLab

Technology has been a fundamental catalyst for driving innovation in several sectors, and the agricultural sector is no different. Recognizing the great importance of innovation for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, SCTI established a strategic partnership with ACATE's LinkLab. This alliance aims not only to identify the challenges faced by people from Santa Catarina in the countryside, but also to find innovative solutions to serve them in an effective and sustainable way.

Challenges in the Agro Sector and the Search for Innovative Solutions

The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in Santa Catarina's economy, contributing significantly to the state's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its exports. However, the State Secretariat for Agriculture (SAR) faces important challenges related to information management. The lack of integration between systems, the absence of a unified platform for data management and the duplication of efforts in operational processes are just some of the issues.

Innovative Solutions for Complex Agricultural Challenges

The partnership represents an innovative approach to resolving these challenges. Through a collaborative and multidisciplinary process, startups and entrepreneurs are invited to develop technological solutions. In other words, that specifically address the needs of the SAR and rural producers in Santa Catarina.

Improving Information Management in SAR

One of the main focuses of this collaboration is improving information management in SAR. This involves creating an integrated platform that centralizes all relevant data related to agricultural public policies. In order to allow for a more comprehensive analysis and more informed decision-making. Furthermore, implementing intelligent monitoring and evaluation systems will help identify areas for improvement and optimize resource allocation.

Benefits for Farmers and Production Chains

The benefits of this innovative approach are not limited to just SAR and the government agencies involved. In other words, family farmers and the various production chains in the agricultural sector will also reap significant results. Therefore, with more efficient and transparent management, it will be possible to offer more effective support to rural producers. As a result, promoting the sustainable development and competitiveness of the sector as a whole.

Towards a More Innovative Future

Ultimately, as we move into the future, it is crucial that we adopt an innovative and collaborative approach to tackling the complex challenges we face in the agricultural sector. By joining forces and harnessing the power of technology, we can positively transform the way we manage and promote the development of the technology sector in Santa Catarina.

Category: Luxury Blog