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November 30, 2023

Invest in real estate, get out of rent and build wealth – the big lesson from Boomers

Would a Millennial in 2023 say: Is investing in real estate still a wise choice?

In the current economic scenario, where the generation of millennials turns to digital assets, the controversial question always arises for the generation born in the 80s: is investing in real estate still a wise choice? When analyzing true capital appreciation over time, it becomes clear that opting for investments in real estate, such as houses, apartments It is land, is, without a doubt, the great key to substantial and sustainable growth in wealth.

The Stability of Baby Boomers: Investing Lessons

While the generation Baby Boomer accumulate considerable capital and enjoy financial stability in their retirement, it is intriguing to note that many of these individuals have achieved such success by starting with real estate investments. This preference for security and stability over time reveals a strategy that has always proven to be effective, as the greatest guarantor of quality of all – the time.

Brazil and its fluctuations in the political scenario

In the last three decades, Brazil has faced complex situations in the political scenario, directly impacting legal security. Therefore, thinking today about digital investments, such as stocks and real estate funds, they become susceptible to risks during the most varied political crises.

Amid government changes, legal stability suffers ups and downs. In other words, affecting the confidence of national and international investors. As well, during episodes of political uncertainty, digital investments face unique challenges. In other words, highlighting the importance of an extremely cautious analysis in moments of instability.

In Brazil, faced with so many political upheavals, providing good legal security, unfortunately, often becomes too complex and risky.

The real difference in investing in real estate

1. Volatility Resistance

While digital assets and stocks often experience significant fluctuations, the real estate market tends to be more resilient to economic volatility. Physical properties, i.e. tangible assets, maintain intrinsic value, providing a solid foundation. Even in times of financial uncertainty and national chaos.

2. Stable Passive Income

Compared to digital assets, which can generate income irregularly, and stocks, which depend on variable dividends, investments in real estate have always offered a stable source of passive income via rentals. Therefore, this stability contributed and continues to contribute to predictable, sustainable and very successful financial management in the long term.

3. Inflation Protection

Unlike digital assets, which can be affected by various factors, such as international wars, they can still be affected by national inflation in an unpredictable way. On the other hand, real estate generally maintains a positive relationship with inflation. In other words, rents tend to increase in line with inflation rates, thus ensuring the preservation of purchasing power.

4. Direct Control over Investment

Investing in real estate provides an unparalleled level of direct control. Owners have the ability to make strategic decisions, make improvements that increase the value of the property and adapt management according to market conditions. As well as, also counting on the socio-economic development of a good location.

5. Attractive Tax Benefits

The real estate industry often offers attractive tax benefits. Deductions related to maintenance, depreciation and financing expenses, which can result in significant savings, making real estate investments not only profitable, but also tax advantageous.

6. Long-Term Capital Appreciation

While some assets may be susceptible to fads, as well as some assets and even stocks, which face market corrections, capital appreciation in real estate investments is truly consistent over the long term. In this way, the gradual growth in the value of the property over the years contributes to sustainable enrichment.

7. Diversification without Complexity

Unlike real estate investment funds that involve a basket of assets, investing directly in real estate provides diversification without the added complexity. In other words, investors have a clear and tangible understanding of what makes up their portfolio.

8. Resistance to Economic Crises

The real estate market has historically demonstrated resilience during economic crises in Brazil. While digital assets and stocks can experience steep declines, real estate often maintains a more stable value, serving as a safe haven in turbulent times.

9. Tangible Asset Construction

Investing in real estate means building a tangible asset, something that can be touched and experienced. In this way, it provides a unique sense of security and achievement that digital assets or stocks may not offer.

10. Constant Demand for Housing

Unlike digital assets, whose demand can be volatile, the need for housing is eternal. Investing in residential, commercial or rental properties can capitalize on this perennial demand, ensuring a solid foundation for investment growth.

When considering investment options, choosing to invest in real estate is not just a traditional choice, but a wise and proven strategy over time, as generation Boomer. By taking advantage of these advantages, investors can embark on a safe path towards lasting wealth growth.

Millennials and the digital world: An alternative perspective

Currently, although the millennial generation is immersed in the digital world, exploring assets such as cryptocurrencies and online stocks, sometimes influenced by content creators with dubious bias, it is crucial to consider that the security provided by investments in real estate should never be underestimated. In other words, in a volatile economic scenario like Latin America, diversification into real and tangible assets, such as real estate, is much more than a smart strategy.

Investing in real estate: the path to lasting wealth

In short, from rent to equity, the path to substantial capital growth always lies and will lie in real estate investments. Therefore, the stability proven over generations, especially by Baby Boomers, always indicates that this strategy is the only real way out.

When considering the investment options available, it is imperative to evaluate not only current trends but also the solid fundamentals that support long-term growth. Choosing to invest in real estate not only preserves financial security, but also paves the way for building truly sustainable assets.

10 valuable lessons that the generation of Boomers teaches us about investing in real estate

1. Property as a Financial Foundation

You Boomers understand property as a solid foundation for financial stability. Investing in real estate is not just a transaction, but the building of long-term wealth.

2. Investing in real estate: the importance of location

A crucial lesson is to pay attention to location. In other words, they understood that real estate appreciation is intrinsically linked to the choice of location. Therefore, choosing cities and areas with potential for growth and development is essential.

3. Patience as a Strategy

Patience is a virtue in the world of real estate investing. In other words, they showed us that waiting for long-term appreciation and growth is a solid strategy.

4. Rent as an Alternative Income

Renting out unused properties can generate passive income. Therefore, this lesson highlights the importance of exploring every opportunity to maximize your return on investment.

5. Portfolio Diversification

The generation of Boomers understood the need to diversify investments. Therefore, having a variety of properties can reduce risks and increase financial stability.

6. The Role of Financial Education

Investing in real estate requires financial knowledge. In other words, they teach us that seeking financial education is essential to make informed and successful decisions.

7. Investing in real estate is also planning for retirement

Investing in real estate plays a key role in planning for retirement. So they showed us that well-chosen properties can be a valuable source of income during your retirement years.

8. Preventative Maintenance

Taking care of properties is a valuable lesson. In this way, the Boomers understand the importance of preventative maintenance to preserve the long-term value of your properties.

9. The Resilience of the Real Estate Market

The Boomer generation faced economic ups and downs, but their confidence in the housing market remained. This highlights the resilience of this sector and the importance of looking beyond temporary fluctuations.

10. The Legacy of Family Heritage

Finally, investing in real estate is also a way of leaving a legacy for future generations. That is, the Boomers They understood the importance of building a heritage that could be passed on, providing stability and opportunities for subsequent generations.

Investir em imóveis em Florianópolis, saia do aluguel e construa patrimônio - a grande lição dos Boomers

Nossa equipe se dedica a estudar minuciosamente todos os detalhes, garantindo que o processo de aquisição seja feito com segurança e conformidade legal. Sabemos que adquirir um imóvel exige cuidado, segurança e tranquilidade, e é por isso que nos esforçamos para proporcionar uma experiência livre de preocupações. Conte conosco para desfrutar do seu melhor momento ao adquirir seu imóvel aqui em Florianópolis.

We are in Jurerê Internacional, at Rua Alameda César Nascimento – 87, Loja 2, in Infinity Blue. Schedule your visit.

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Category: Economy, Luxury Blog