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April 10, 2024

Try Before You Buy: New Real Estate Trend in Florianópolis

Currently the “Try Before You Buy”, or in Portuguese, “Try Before You Buy”, is a type of service that is rapidly gaining popularity, especially in the real estate and e-commerce sectors. With the growth of marketplaces that adopt this practice, it is clear that consumers are looking for safer and more conscious ways to make their purchases, especially when it comes to significant investments, such as purchasing a property.

Try Before You Buy at Luxury Home Floripa

Here in Luxury Home Floripa, we recognize the importance of providing our clients with a complete and satisfactory experience before making a decision as important as moving to another city and purchasing a property.

Therefore, we offer the modality “Try Before You Buy”, which allows interested parties to rent a property with us with the option of including their preference to purchase the property in the rental contract.

Com essa opção, os clientes têm a oportunidade de viver em um de nossos imóveis em Florianópolis, desfrutando de todos os benefícios e comodidades que ele oferece, enquanto avaliam expectativas e necessidades a longo prazo. É uma maneira inovadora e eficaz de garantir que a sua decisão de compra, ou seja, sendo um facilitador no seu objetivo de mudança para Florianópolis.

Benefits of “Try Before You Buy”

Get to know the city before committing

Para muitas pessoas que estão considerando mudar-se para Florianópolis, seja vindas de cidades tais como: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Londrina, Maringá, Curitiba, Campinas, Belo Horizonte, entre outras, alugar um imóvel antes de comprar é uma escolha facilitadora. Ou seja, permite que elas tenham a oportunidade de conhecer a cidade. Bem como, aproveitar e sentir a atmosfera única de Florianópolis, antes de fazer um compromisso permanente.

Test Lifestyle and Routine

In addition to getting to know the city, the “Try Before You Buy” também oferece aos clientes a chance de experimentar o estilo de vida que Florianópolis tem a oferecer. Ou seja, podem estabelecer uma rotina diária, descobrir atividades de lazer e entretenimento. Bem como, realmente se imaginar vivendo na cidade a longo prazo. Isso é especialmente importante para aqueles que estão se mudando de outras regiões do país e desejam ter certeza de que estão fazendo a escolha certa.

Evaluate the Property’s Details and Amenities

When renting a property with the option of preference to purchase, customers have the opportunity to evaluate in detail all the features and amenities of the property. In other words, they can check whether the distribution of the rooms meets their needs. As well as confirm the tranquility of the neighborhood, security issues, and whether the facilities, such as swimming pool, gym, leisure area, among others, are in line with your expectations. This allows them to make an informed and conscious choice. And as a result, it ensures that they are investing in a property that truly meets their needs and desires.

The Growth in Demand for Renting Luxury Properties with High Standards in Florianópolis

O mercado imobiliário de Florianópolis tem experimentado um notável aumento na demanda por imóveis de luxo com alto padrão, refletindo um cenário de crescimento econômico e prosperidade na região. De acordo com dados do Secovi-SC, houve um impressionante aumento de 30% in the search for luxury properties in 2023, compared to the previous year. This growth is even more significant when analyzing property value ranges, with an increase of 40% in the search for properties with monthly rent between 15 and 20 thousand reais, and a surprising increase in 60% in the search for properties from 20 to 40 thousand reais.

Profile of Tenants and Most Desirable Neighborhoods

Atualmente os bairros mais desejados para locação de imóveis de luxo em Florianópolis incluem Jurerê Internacional, Conceição Lagoon, North Seaside, Agronomic and Cacupé. These locations not only offer high-standard infrastructure, but also provide an exclusive and privileged lifestyle for their residents.

Regarding the profile of tenants looking for luxury properties, there is a diversity of demand:


High investment entrepreneurs are looking for properties that offer complete infrastructure to meet the demands of a remote work environment. In other words, including spaces for home offices, leisure and security areas.

Upper Class Families:

Upper-class families prioritize safety, space and leisure for their children. Therefore, they seek houses in gated communities that offer green areas. As well as playgrounds and sports courts, providing a safe and comfortable environment for the whole family.

Retirees with high purchasing power:

Retirees with high purchasing power look for properties that offer comfort, convenience and a privileged location. Apartments with sea view, concierge services and easy access to all amenities are highly valued by this audience.

Relevant Factors in Choosing a Property

Vários fatores influenciam a escolha de um imóvel de luxo em Florianópolis:

  • Location: Proximity to services, neighborhood safety and leisure infrastructure are essential considerations in the rental decision.
  • Security: Gated communities with 24-hour concierge and monitoring systems are highly valued to ensure residents' peace of mind.
  • Finishing: High-quality materials, modern design and functionality are aspects that add value to luxury properties.
  • Infrastructure: The presence of swimming pools, gyms, party rooms and green areas within the condominium or property is an important differentiator.
  • View: Properties with views of the sea, lagoon or green areas are especially attractive for those looking for an exclusive and privileged living experience.

The Rental Market in Florianópolis

Além do aumento na demanda por imóveis de luxo, o mercado de aluguel residencial em Florianópolis tem se destacado nacionalmente. Segundo dados do FipeZap, o preço do aluguel residencial na cidade teve um incremento de 23,41% in the last 12 months, tornando-se o terceiro mais valorizado do Brasil. O preço médio do metro quadrado em Florianópolis atingiu R$ 51,18, refletindo a atratividade e a valorização do mercado imobiliário local.

Neighborhoods that have the Most Value for Rent in Florianópolis

Os bairros que mais valorizaram para aluguel em Florianópolis refletem a diversidade e a qualidade da oferta imobiliária na cidade:

  • Agronomic: R$ 59.4 /m²
  • Center: R$ 53.1 /m²
  • Bag of Lemons: R$ 51.0 /m²
  • Itacorubi: R$ 50.3 /m²
  • Trindade: R$ 47.8 /m²
  • Córrego Grande: R$ 47.7 /m²
  • Ingleses from Rio Vermelho: R$ 42.7 /m²
  • Narrow: R$ 42.5 /m²
  • Coqueiros: R$ 39.0 /m²
  • Capoeiras: R$ 36.2 /m²

These neighborhoods offer a variety of luxury real estate options, catering to the different preferences and needs of renters.

Onde morar em Floripa? Escolhas para adequar estilo e rotina

We are Buzz Luxury Home, a luxury and high standard real estate consultancy in Florianópolis

Oferecendo um espaço de imóveis de alto padrão exclusivo para você. Com mais de 20 anos de experiência no mercado. Dessa forma, estamos prontos para assessorá-lo em sua busca pelo imóvel ideal, seja para investimento, ou seja, moradia em qualquer região da Ilha de Florianópolis.

Furthermore, we are located in one of the most beautiful and sought-after places in the world: Jurerê Internacional, at Rua Alameda César Nascimento – 87, Loja 2, in Infinity Blue. Therefore, we can offer a wide variety of options that meet your life goals and current situation.

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Category: Economy, Luxury Blog