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May 15, 2024

From Vancouver to Florianópolis: Regina Landim Noppe

We invite Regina Landim Noppe para um bate-papo sobre sua jornada e sua paixão por Florianópolis. A história de Regina é inspiradora. Entenda como uma paixão por culturas diferentes e um desejo inabalável de conectar o mundo pode transformar vidas.

A global businesswoman at the helm of Dream2B, que desempenha um papel crucial ao conectar startups brasileiras com oportunidades internacionais no Canadá. Desde 2015, levou mais de 50 Startups para Internacionalização. Esta jornada, que começou na zona leste de São Paulo e a levou a Vancouver, culminou em uma decisão de residir em Florianópolis, onde já vive há 10 anos.

1. Tell us about your journey as a global entrepreneur. How did you fall in love with this mission?

I've always been fascinated by different cultures and how at the same time, we look so different. But deep down we are all the same with the same desires and dreams. In other words, for this reason I decided to study foreign trade, to increasingly connect the world. I also had the opportunity to live abroad, which was always a very distant dream for me.

After having this experience and returning to Brazil – at first temporarily – I decided to share a little of what I experienced not only in Canada, but globally, with Brazilian entrepreneurs. In this way, helping them to take advantage of business opportunities that are sometimes not so clear to many. 

2. Tell us about your experience of Internationalizing Startup Data H.

It's an immense pleasure when we can be part of someone's success story. In this case, firstly, having been the one who showed this opportunity and opened the first doors for the company Date H In Canada. A company that helps companies transform data into new opportunities, with Artificial Intelligence.

And secondly, especially when we can impact the life of a family and their family tree. In other words, creating new possibilities for everyone.

Helping make dreams come true is what this is about for me: positively impacting people's lives.

3. Where do you come from and what international experiences have shaped the visionary woman you are today?

I was born in the east zone of São Paulo, the capital. Nobody in my family up until then had had any international experience. In this way, I had a great childhood and I come from a humble family with a semi-illiterate mother, however, who always supported me. I studied in public schools. I always dreamed of living abroad. As a child, I used to play prank calls on payphones pretending I was speaking in English. At the age of 11, I begged my mother to enroll me in an English course and even with financial limitations, I began my journey.

Also, when I was in college, I convinced two friends, who didn't even know what the Foreign Trade course was about, to join me. One of them always said that I sold dreams. With this habit of always thinking about other countries. I don't really know where it comes from, but I think I was born with this global vision. Always looking beyond, with this desire to know and experience other cultures and connect everyone.

I enjoyed it even more when I interned at ABB, a Swiss/Swedish multinational. To this day I say it was the best school I could have ever had. They were already present in 140 countries at the time and finally breathing what all these global minds were bringing made everything make sense to me.

Soon after, in 2001 I had the opportunity, with what I gathered during my internship and with the help of some close relatives, to do my first exchange to Canada. From then on I didn't stop, even years later living in Canada for 10 years and becoming a Canadian citizen.

4. What is your view on the future of technology and Artificial Intelligence today?

I am very optimistic about the positive impact we can have with Artificial Intelligence innovation. If we know how to use this technology, it can help us have more time doing things that really matter in our daily lives. In other words, I also see AI as your personal assistant. And if we know how to deal with it well, we all win. As well, advances in disease diagnosis make me very hopeful.

5. What enchanted you about Florianópolis and made you choose this paradisiacal city as your home a few years ago?

I really value quality of life, even more so after having experienced what it is like to live close to nature for many years in Vancouver, Canada. We decided to return to Brazil, as I wanted to be closer to my family (even though they were all in São Paulo). And give this opportunity to my daughter, to experience my homeland.

Eu já era apaixonada por Floripa! E quando passei a ter minha própria empresa, que não exigia que eu tivesse escritório nos grandes centros, foi uma conclusão instantânea! Dessa forma, decidimos nos mudar e em uma semana já estávamos com tudo arranjado por aqui.

6. What is the experience of raising your daughter here in Floripa, close to nature?

I can't see it any other way when I think about what I would like to provide for her. In other words, quality of life for me is directly linked to contact with nature, among other values of course; becomes something essential at this stage of life.

In addition to all the security we have, it is also incomparable with certain cities in Brazil. Even more so after having had the pleasure of living in a country that values quality of life, like Canada.

7. What is your favorite part of living here in Florianópolis?

For me it's a little nostalgic. It's as if I could still be with the landscapes of the Canadian mountains, next to the sea at the same time. I love this beach town atmosphere, at the same time, some villages here, which feel like we've gone back in time. With modernity at the same time knocking on your door, without the same feeling of anxiety, stress and madness as in a capital city, for example.

8. How does Florianópolis stand out in terms of quality of life compared to other cities you've lived in?

Apart from traffic, which could have already been adjusted with some improvements, such as the insertion of City Boats and Ferries, I think. Everything else works great! The feeling of security and tranquility really exists here. And it's incredible.

9. How do you balance your global career with your personal life in Florianópolis?

Priorities! I think that in the same way that we have to eat every day, work every day, we should have to classify our well-being and mental health in the same way. There is no career, be it local or global, or any type of goal you have, if you are not happy with yourself. If you don't try to be present and enjoy everyday life.

I know people who seem to have everything and in reality have nothing. Because they don't know how to appreciate a simple sunset. As well as a nice walk on the beach. Anyway, the great little daily pleasures of being alive.

10. What are your favorite places in Florianópolis to relax, connect with nature and recharge?

I love the tip of Sambaqui! It seems like it has the power to transport me to other dimensions. The Coast of Conceição Lagoon and Praia do Moçambique also has a very special energy, in my opinion.

11. Indicate neighborhoods that you would recommend to your friends, acquaintances and professional colleagues. Considering your lifestyles and needs, if you wish to move to Florianópolis.

There's something for everyone! My fellow countrymen from Sampa, still used to the belt, I would say: Santa Monica and Trinity.

Saint Anthony of Lisbon It is Cacupé for those who have new families, or who enjoy nature and enjoy excellent cuisine.

O New Campeche for my acquaintances from Faria Lima, who like to go to a good beach.

12. For anyone thinking about moving to Florianópolis, what valuable tips would you give to make adapting to the city easier?

I would just say: if you've always wanted to live close to paradise, come on! And with an open heart. Without making comparisons with other cities and local customs. Really allow yourself to experience all this exuberant nature that is presented to us daily.

13. How was the process of adapting to the culture and lifestyle of Florianópolis?

I had already gone through a process in Canada, so I think I came here pretty deconstructed. Here, each neighborhood has its own peculiarities.

At the Sambaqui, everyone knows everyone. It's beautiful to see. The little ladies still get together in the mansions to talk and maintain the tradition by making bobbin lace. And it's very funny, that gossip runs wild, haha! It reminds me of when I was a teenager in São Paulo and we had to be more reserved with some subjects, so as not to become an issue later. Haha ha!

14. What do you admire most about the people who live here in the city?

Hoje Floripa é uma cidade com gente de todos os lugares não só do Brasil, como de todo o mundo. Então, gosto muito disso dessa vibe multicultural. Onde cada um se respeita, e principalmente respeitando toda essa natureza.

15. What are your favorite customs and traditions in Florianópolis?

I usually watch the sunset almost every day when I'm here. I love cycling too and I make a point of stopping and chatting with some neighbors. Mainly the native, older residents. As well as the fishermen, who always have some story about the island that we don't know yet.

16. What memorable moment did you experience in Florianópolis that left you with the feeling of “Wow, this city is really magical!”

Every time I travel and when I return the plane is flying over the island. I still have to pinch myself and say the dream is real. As well, with every stunning sunset, especially the ones we have now in autumn – every day is a different work of art.

17. How does your life experience here in Florianópolis change you as a person?

It is increasingly aligning with my purpose of being more present in the present moment. To be grateful for the simplest things that the universe provides us. Breathe, meditate and be more human.

18. Incredible experiences have you had in other places close to the region?

All the surroundings are wonderful. I love hiking, especially Soldiers of Sebold. As well as camping in Praia Grande and in the Serrana de Urubici region.

19. What is the ideal future for Florianópolis? What are the expectations for the city’s development in the coming years?

I hope they maintain this exuberant nature, even with all the development that we will still see happening everywhere here. Which will obviously be very welcome. Also, invest in more sustainable forms of transport.

20. If you could take anyone to visit Florianópolis, who would it be and why?

My little voice Nicinha, who unfortunately left without being able to visit a beach. I would love to be able to take her to all my favorite places here on this island of magic.

A message for our readers who are thinking about moving to Florianópolis?

This island really is magical! I came from Vancouver to live here. I intended to stay for 3 years and have been for 10.

Cada vez mais apaixonada por Floripa! ❤️

Category: Floripa, Luxury Blog