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April 11, 2024

Discover Eve's eVTOL, which will revolutionize the real estate market and the way we live in Florianópolis

A Eve Urban Air Mobility, a pioneering Brazilian company in the segment and a subsidiary of EmbraerX, is at the forefront of developing an electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle (eVTOL), popularly known as flying car. This aircraft has the potential to positively and radically impact urban transport. In other words, quickly offering agility, comfort and sustainability for daily commutes.

More than ever, the dynamics of urban housing are undergoing significant transformations. Traffic, noise and the growing verticalization of cities require innovative solutions for moving people around. It is in this context that the Urban Air Mobility (MAU), a revolutionary concept that aims to change how we get around.

eVTOL: A Solution to Urban Mobility Challenges

Brazilian cities face serious mobility challenges. Data from the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) indicate that, in 2021, Brazilians spent, on average, 31.1% of their income on transport. Furthermore, chronic congestion reduces productivity and increases population stress.

Eve's eVTOL appears as a promising alternative to overcome these obstacles. With the capacity to transport multiple passengers, the aircraft will enable fast and efficient point-to-point travel, avoiding congested traffic. Imagine living in a region with sea view, but being able to get to your work in the heart of the city in just a few minutes. This is the reality that Urban Air Mobility aims to provide.

Eve and the Urban Air Mobility Ecosystem

Eve is not just focused on eVTOL development. Also working on building a complete Urban Air Mobility ecosystem, which includes:

  • Support infrastructure: development of vertiports, places for the take-off and landing of eVTOLs.
  • Urban air traffic management: creation of a safe and efficient system for controlling eVTOL traffic in urban airspace.
  • Integration with public transport: integration of eVTOL with other modes of transport, such as buses, subways and trains, to offer a multimodal and capillary travel network.

This holistic approach from Eve ensures the implementation of a safe, integrated and sustainable MAU system.

The Future of Urban Air Mobility in Brazil

Brazil has the potential to become a global leader in the implementation of Urban Air Mobility. The experience of the national aeronautical industry, combined with investment in research and development, positions the country as an important player in this emerging market.

Eve has already announced partnerships with important Brazilian companies to develop the MAU ecosystem. This demonstrates the private sector's confidence in the potential of this new technology.

The regulation of urban air traffic is a fundamental aspect for the advancement of MAU in Brazil. The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) has been working on drafting specific rules for the operation of eVTOLs, which guarantees safety and harmonious integration with conventional air traffic.

How Eve's eVTOL will revolutionize the real estate market in the Florianópolis region

O eVTOL da Eve, com sua capacidade de decolagem e pouso vertical (eVTOL), pode revolucionar o mercado imobiliário em Florianópolis de diversas maneiras. Aqui estão 5 exemplos:

1. Reduction in travel time:

  • Imagine living in Cacupé and working at your company in the center of Florianópolis. With eVTOL, you could go from your home to your office in just 10 minutes.
  • This now opens up new possibilities for people to choose where to live. Because they wouldn't have to worry about living close to work or other important parts of the city.

2. Increased Connectivity:

  • eVTOL will make Florianópolis even more connected, facilitating access to areas that are currently busier.
  • This will boost the development of new areas of the city, creating new opportunities for business and investment.

3. Change in housing patterns:

  • With eVTOL, people will no longer need to live close to the city center to have access to everything they need.
  • This will lead to an increase in demand for housing in areas further away from the city center, prioritizing living in quieter and safer places, with all the amenities and the connection with nature that only Florianópolis can provide.

4. Emergence of new types of properties:

  • eVTOL is already creating demand for new types of properties, with residential helipads and condominiums with infrastructure for this category of vehicles.
  • This will boost the real estate market as well, generating new investments in the city.

5. Impact on tourism:

  • The eVTOL will be a great attraction for tourists, who can use the vehicle to explore the city and its surroundings quickly and efficiently.
  • This certainly increases the number of visitors and boosts the local economy.

Examples of everyday life with eVTOL:

  • Example 1: A family living in Campeche can use eVTOL to take their children to school in the Center in just 10 minutes. As well as going to work in other neighborhoods, avoiding traffic at peak times.
  • Example 2: A businessman who lives in Jurerê Internacional can use the eVTOL to go to business meetings in the city's technology hub in 3 minutes. In other words, without having to worry about all the transport dynamics, including parking.
  • Example 3: A tourist staying at a hotel in the Center can use eVTOL to tour the islands in the region in one hour. This way, enjoying the aerial view of this wonderful city.
  • Example 4: A resident of the north of the Island can use the eVTOL to go to the shopping center in the city center in 15 minutes.

O eVTOL da Eve, bem como todos os veículos neste segmento, tem o potencial de revolucionar o mercado imobiliário em Florianópolis, tornando a cidade ainda mais conectada, eficiente e sustentável. Atualmente, esses são apenas alguns exemplos de variadas maneiras pelas quais esses veículos irão mudar a vida das pessoas que vivem em uma cidade tão incrível quanto Florianópolis.

Beyond Agility: Socioeconomic Benefits of eVTOL

The benefits of eVTOL go beyond agility and optimization of travel time. The implementation of MAU has the potential to generate a series of positive impacts on the economy and society:

  • Regional development: The possibility of living in remote locations, but with easy access to urban centers, can stimulate the development of peripheral regions, increasing the value of the real estate market and promoting the decentralization of cities.
  • Urban Decongestion: By reducing the use of motor vehicles on the streets, eVTOL contributes to reducing congestion, freeing up roads for public transport and truck traffic, which improves traffic fluidity and generates economic gains.
  • Reduction of Noise and Environmental Pollution: Designed to be electric, eVTOLs emit less noise and air pollutants than conventional vehicles, in other words, contributing to improving air quality in cities.
  • New Jobs: The implementation of the MAU will require the creation of new jobs, both in the manufacturing and maintenance of eVTOLs and in the operation of urban air traffic.

Embraer-X: Accelerating the future of aviation

Embraer-X, Embraer's innovation division, acts as a hub for disruptive ideas and technologies, driving the future of aviation. Therefore, through a Venture Builder model, the company identifies opportunities and creates innovative businesses, from initial development to acceleration and market launch.

Focusing on strategic areas such as Urban Air Mobility (UAM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Connectivity and Sustainability, Embraer-X invests in startups and innovative projects, in addition to fostering partnerships with universities, research centers and other companies in the sector. In this way, it allows Embraer to remain at the forefront of technology and explore new markets, expanding its portfolio of products and services.

Examples of Embraer-X projects:

  • Eve: Company focused on the development and commercialization of eVTOLs, electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft that promise to revolutionize the way we move around cities.
  • Storm: Startup specialized in cybersecurity solutions for the aerospace industry, protecting aircraft and systems against cyber attacks.
  • XMobots: Embraer-X's innovation arm focused on agribusiness, developing technological solutions to optimize agricultural production.

Impact of Embraer-X:

Embraer-X contributes to the diversification of Embraer's portfolio, generating new business opportunities and strengthening the company's position as a global leader in aerospace technology. Furthermore, the division drives innovation in the sector, creating solutions that meet market demands and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Giants unite in race for the future of urban mobility: eVTOLs compete for space in the skies

Eve, an Embraer company, is not alone in the race for the future of urban air mobility. In other words, giants such as Airbus and Boeing also invest in eVTOLs, such as the Vahana and the Passenger Air Vehicle, respectively. Startups like Joby Aviation, Lilium and Vertical Aerospace also develop their own models.

Joby Aviation, for example, has already accumulated more than 1,000 test flights with its eVTOL, the S4, and intends to begin commercial operations in 2024. As well as Lilium, which in turn, is betting on a futuristic design with 36 electric motors that allow vertical takeoff and landing anywhere. Vertical Aerospace, based in the United Kingdom, stands out for its partnership with American Airlines, which ordered 250 units of the eVTOL VX4.

The fierce dispute between companies demonstrates the potential of the eVTOL market, which promises to revolutionize how we move around cities. In this way, the future of air mobility is getting closer, and Eve, along with its competitors, is at the forefront of this transformation.

Final considerations

Ultimately, Eve's eVTOL and Urban Air Mobility represents a disruption in the transportation sector, poised to revolutionize how we get around cities. The advantages in terms of agility, sustainability and socioeconomic impact are significant. Eve, with its experience and holistic vision, is positioned at the forefront of this transformation.

Check out more information on the Embraer-X
