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July 25, 2023

Gated Condominium in Florianópolis: tranquility and privacy

Se você está em busca de uma experiência de vida sofisticada, segura e cercada por belezas naturais, morar em um condomínio fechado em Florianópolis é a opção perfeita para você e sua família. Vamos explorar todos os encantos desse estilo de vida exclusivo: equilíbrio perfeito entre luxo, tranquilidade e bem-estar. Junte-se a nós nessa jornada enquanto mergulhamos no que torna os condomínios fechados em Florianópolis tão especiais. Encontre em nossa pauta exclusiva: houses in a gated community from R$ 2,100.00.

What is a gated condominium?

Firstly, a gated community is a form of housing that provides security, privacy and comfort to its residents. In these exclusive developments, access is controlled. In other words, ensuring a protected environment. Furthermore, they offer complete infrastructure, with leisure and social areas. Which provides a sophisticated lifestyle surrounded by exuberant nature here on the Magic Island.

Em segundo lugar, saiba que morar em um condomínio fechado é escolher um refúgio de total tranquilidade em meio à rotina. Encantadoramente decorada com todo o lado paradisíaco que a cidade de Florianópolis nos oferece.

Therefore, with stunning views and direct contact with nature, these condominiums offer a unique and exclusive housing experience. With 24-hour security, complete infrastructure and a similar community that values privacy.

Esses locais são ideais para você, que busca um lar de luxo, em meio às belezas naturais de Florianópolis. Com projetos elaborados pelas melhores construtoras e incorporadoras da cidade, com toda a organização e aproveitamento de espaço conforme o ordenamento jurídico da cidade.

The Lifestyle in Gated Communities

Os condomínios fechados aqui em Florianópolis oferecem uma experiência de vida verdadeiramente única. Eles são projetados para proporcionar o máximo conforto, com garantias e privacidade aos seus moradores.

Each gated community also generally has close proximity to the sea. Among some options, there are even just 50 meters away from the beach. In other words, providing residents with an intimate connection with the beautiful coastal landscapes and a unique lifestyle, completely connected with nature.

Leisure areas in gated communities

Each gated community particularly offers a range of options in terms of complete infrastructure with leisure options for its residents. These options often include: swimming pool, children's pool, square with playground, fire pit, pet place, bike rack, toy library, beach tennis court, tennis court and multi-sports courts. In addition, smart markets are also becoming popular now for convenience. As well as traditional party rooms, but in a completely modern style. In other words, decorated and fully equipped, with a barbecue and even a pizza oven.

With a wide range of options, residents of gated communities enjoy moments of fun. As well as activities, sports and many get-togethers without having to leave the tranquility of home. The variety of facilities and leisure areas make these developments even more attractive by offering a healthy and complete living experience. Containing, in most cases, several excellent options for all members of the family.

Security in gated communities

Security is a priority in each gated community. Therefore, they rely on alarms and constant surveillance. Additionally, the presence of a steering and electronic team ensures a quick response to any incident. A comprehensive circuit of surveillance cameras throughout the condominium provides a complete view of the area.

Schedule your visit and count on our real estate consultancy here in Florianópolis

Discover our properties in a gated community, which have all the necessary documentation, in accordance with current legislation. In addition to offering legal security, these properties are characterized by excellent architectural, urban planning and engineering projects. With sustainable and innovative design and technology. Everything as you wish!

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Category: Luxury Blog