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Category Archives: Luxury Blog

Marina da Beira-Mar Norte: Um Impulso Decisivo para o Lazer, Turismo e Economia da Cidade
Beira-Mar Norte Marina: U...
The signing of the Onerous Assignment Agreement between Florianópolis City Hall and the Union Heritage Secretariat (SPU) marks a crucial step towards...
Apr 24, 2024 , 0
Férias da Longevidade: Investindo em Saúde e Bem-Estar
Longevity Vacation: Invest...
A new tourism concept: Longevity Holidays. It's not just a luxurious getaway to a paradisiacal destination. In other words, we are talking...
Apr 24, 2024 , 0
Soja como moeda corrente nos negócios imobiliários
Soy as currency in...
Brazilian agribusiness has consolidated itself as one of the pillars of the national economy, driving the development of various sectors and regions. Soybeans, the main commodity and...
Apr 23, 2024 , 0
Qual a melhor Cidade para Famílias? E, porque com certeza é Florianópolis!
What is the best city for Fa...
Amid the fast-paced routine and worries of everyday life, questions about quality of life frequently arise: What is the best city...
Apr 22, 2024 , 0
Preços da Soja: O Impacto da Safra Recorde e das Previsões de Quebra
Soybean Prices: The Impact of...
The agricultural industry faces significant challenges with the recent drop in soybean prices, one of the pillars of Brazilian agribusiness. The prospect of a harvest...
Apr 11, 2024 , 0
Conheça o eVTOL da Eve, que revolucionará o mercado imobiliário e a forma como vivemos em Florianópolis
Meet Eve's eVTOL, which...
Eve Urban Air Mobility, a pioneering Brazilian company in the segment and a subsidiary of EmbraerX, is leading the development of an electric take-off vehicle ...
Apr 11, 2024 , 0
A Soja como Moeda de Troca: Um Mecanismo Essencial para a Economia Brasileira
Soy as a Bargain Currency: ...
Soy is one of Brazil's main agricultural products, occupying a prominent position in the national and international economic scenario. Its importance extends beyond...
Apr 11, 2024 , 0
Experimente Antes de Comprar: Nova Tendência Imobiliária em Florianópolis
Try Before You Buy...
"Try Before You Buy", or in Portuguese, "Try Before You Buy", is a type of service that is rapidly gaining popularity, especially in the ...
Apr 10, 2024 , 0
Agro e Inteligência Artificial: Movimentando R$ 23,6 bilhões em 2028
Agro and Artificial Intelligence...
The combination of Agro and Artificial Intelligence is outlining a new horizon for the agricultural sector, promising to completely redefine food production. Or...
Apr 10, 2024 , 0
Centro de Florianópolis: Oportunidade de Investimentos Imobiliários após a Revitalização
Center of Florianópolis: Opposite...
Florianópolis is not just a beach. Recently, the central region of the city has been undergoing an unprecedented urban revitalization, transforming the area into a hub...
Apr 01, 2024 , 0