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Category Archives: Luxury Blog

Villas Italianas de Luxo: a evolução no design de interiores
Luxury Italian Villas: the...
Luxury villas have a rich and fascinating history dating back well over 2000 years. The first known villas...
Oct 19, 2023 , 0
Prêmio Nacional de Inovação coroa Florianópolis
National Innovation Award...
With more than 13 thousand entries and 264 finalists, the National Innovation Award is one of the most prestigious and coveted honors on the Brazilian scene...
Oct 19, 2023 , 0
Coqueiros, um bairro encantador de Florianópolis
Coqueiros, a charming neighborhood...
Coqueiros, always at the top of the list of the most charming neighborhoods in Florianópolis. In this way, it stands out for several reasons. Firstly, its strategic location outside the...
Oct 11, 2023 , 0
Santa Catarina é eleita o melhor estado do Brasil pela 13ª vez e recebe mais 10 prêmios
Santa Catarina is elected the best...
Santa Catarina definitely won the heart of Brazil and even more international recognition by receiving the prestigious "The Best in Travel and Tourism 2022/2023" award. ...
Oct 06, 2023 , 0
Ciclismo em Florianópolis: descubra os melhores destinos para pedalar
Cycling in Florianópolis: d...
Cycling is a passionate activity that combines exercise, adventure and connection with nature. In Florianópolis, cycling enthusiasts will find a true paradise...
Sep 30, 2023 , 0
CASACOR Balneário Camboriú 2023: Cores ousadas e emoções reveladas
CASACOR Balneário Camboriú 2...
CASACOR Balneário Camboriú 2023 takes center stage, with 27 environments designed across three floors of the building, all of them inspired by the main theme, "Body...
Sep 15, 2023 , 0
Forbes: A contribuição de Santa Catarina para o ecossistema tecnológico do Brasil
Forbes: Sa's contribution...
According to a recent Forbes article, Santa Catarina, located in the south of Brazil, is determined to increase its position in the country's innovation scenario, taking advantage of ...
Sep 08, 2023 , 0
Florianópolis em 1º lugar como a cidade mais competitiva do Brasil
Florianópolis in 1st place with...
Florianópolis, our charming capital of the state of Santa Catarina, won first place in the prestigious Competitiveness Ranking of Municipalities in 2023. This...
Sep 01, 2023 , 0
Centro de Florianópolis: uma vida mais rápida e prática, com belezas naturais e muita cultura local
Center of Florianópolis: a...
The Center of Florianópolis is a hidden treasure that captivates the hearts of those who came to live there and explore it daily. If you plan to live in...
Aug 26, 2023 , 0
CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2023: Transformando um Palacete em um Hotel Boutique com 43 Ambientes
CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2023:...
CASACOR Rio de Janeiro 2023 is back and brings with it an innovative proposal that promises to delight visitors: the transformation of a mansion into a ...
Aug 17, 2023 , 0