The Rio Boat Show, held annually in Rio de Janeiro, is currently a national and international reference event for the nautical sector. The Marina of...
Agrishow 2024, held annually in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, is consolidated as the largest agricultural technology fair in Latin America and one of the ...
Florianópolis has stood out as one of the main housing destinations for entrepreneurs in Brazil. The story of entrepreneurs in a report published by fDi Intelligence magazine,...
The signing of the Onerous Assignment Agreement between Florianópolis City Hall and the Union Heritage Secretariat (SPU) marks a crucial step towards...
Brazilian agribusiness has consolidated itself as one of the pillars of the national economy, driving the development of various sectors and regions. Soybeans, the main commodity and...
The agricultural industry faces significant challenges with the recent drop in soybean prices, one of the pillars of Brazilian agribusiness. The prospect of a harvest...
Eve Urban Air Mobility, a pioneering Brazilian company in the segment and a subsidiary of EmbraerX, is leading the development of an electric take-off vehicle ...
Soy is one of Brazil's main agricultural products, occupying a prominent position in the national and international economic scenario. Its importance extends beyond...