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October 28, 2022


CASACOR SC 2022: O evento está aconteceu em Florianópolis, na Escola Silveira de Souza. Por meio de uma parceria com a Fundação Franklin Cascaes, órgão da Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis. É quem está recebendo a mostra CASACOR em 2022. 

CasaCor prepared and made improvements to the building's infrastructure for a new use after the event: the city's new cultural center. Thus, the century-old construction has a new look with 28 environments designed by a varied cast of veterans. As well as the young talents, who deliver a lot of style and trends in the world of construction.

Just like the exhibitions that took place in the rest of Brazil this year, the Infinito Particular concept was what gave color and shape to the environments. We found many rounded shapes, organic materials, native forest and weaves. There is also a contrast between light and dark colors in the environments, emphasizing pastel tones. Something that could not be different when it comes to the construction of different environments on the coast of Santa Catarina.

Initially, the tour starts at the front area of the building, where you can enjoy walls with vibrant colors. With a river that permeates the entrance to the exhibition. The first space is by Cristina Iglesias, called Entre Tramas e História. Then, a decoration that united the West and the East through tapestries with colors, shapes and designs, as well as wooden objects. 

Os corredores que permeiam toda a edificação foram reformados cirurgicamente. As jaqueiras centenárias, assim como a edificação, foram preservadas com todo o cuidado pelo escritório Alpes Arquitetura. Já o Hall de entrada e a varanda oferecem espaços instagramáveis bolados pela designer de interiores Marisa Lebarbenchon. No vão central encontra-se um espaço de prosa juntamente com a cafeteria de Florianópolis, Akitutes.

Personal objects at CASACOR SC 2022

The presence of personal objects, photos, notes and sayings that unite these spaces with artists or even other people. In this way, it makes us think about the tendency to bring more human and sentimental elements to environments, making them a manifesto of real life. We see this in Casa vou de Rosa, by Juliana Loffi Arquitetura & Design. He used his personal story of fighting cancer as inspiration and brought objects of motivation, welcome and manifesto. Just like Juliana's space exhibition, Leandro Sumar opened his life with the Seperti Mimpi space. That demonstrated his world and his enthusiasm for surfing. Through handwritten letters and a work of art right at the entrance, made by himself. Marcelo Salum, who is part of the exhibition's veteran team, designed his living room to celebrate meetings between friends. And just as he paid homage to great MPB names. 

In short, the way the entire construction interacts with each other, with the shape it has. In this way, it connects the environments into a continuous corridor and places of contemplation. In another moment, it brings us a sensorial experience that goes beyond shapes and textures.

CasaCor 2022 in Santa Catarina takes place between September 18th and October 30th. Tickets can be purchased through the official CasaCor website. And in person at the exhibition site, costing R$70 for the full price and R$35 for half price for students.

Category: decor