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April 1, 2023

Short and long stay rentals in Florianópolis: smart choice to invest

Descubra por que o aluguel de short-stay e long-stay em Florianópolis é uma escolha inteligente para investidores devido à grande demanda dos turistas.

Florianópolis é uma cidade que atrai turistas de todo o mundo por suas praias deslumbrantes, clima agradável e ambiente descontraído. Não é surpresa que a cidade tenha sido classificada como o sétimo lugar mais procurado por turistas no mundo, de acordo com uma pesquisa recente.

Com essa crescente demanda por acomodações de curto e longo prazo na cidade, o mercado imobiliário de Florianópolis está se valorizando cada vez mais. Proprietários de imóveis na cidade estão aproveitando a oportunidade para oferecer aluguel de short-stay e long-stay para turistas. Permitindo que eles desfrutem de tudo o que a cidade tem a oferecer enquanto se hospedam em acomodações confortáveis e convenientes. Com um mercado em constante crescimento, é seguro dizer que o aluguel de short-stay e long-stay em Florianópolis continuará a ser uma opção popular. Principalmente para quem busca uma estadia agradável para aproveitar a cidade.

O mercado imobiliário de Florianópolis tem se adaptado para oferecer opções de aluguel de short-stay e long-stay em imóveis de luxo, com alto padrão. Essas opções de acomodação oferecem uma ampla variedade de propriedades, desde apartments luxurious even houses sophisticated. Properties ready to offer maximum comfort and convenience for tenants.

Com tantas opções de acomodação de alta qualidade, Florianópolis é escolha certa para quem busca investir em imóveis de alto padrão. E também por turistas nacionais e internacionais, que buscam uma experiência de aluguel de short-stay ou long-stay em imóveis de alto padrão.

Aluguel de short e long stay em Florianópolis: escolha inteligente para investir
Aluguel de short e long stay em Florianópolis: escolha inteligente para investir

What is short-stay rental?

Short-stay rentals are a popular and convenient option for people who need temporary accommodation for a limited period of time. With a wide variety of options available, it is possible to find a property that meets each individual's needs and budget. From business travelers who need a place to work and rest, to families who are moving to the city and need temporary housing. Short-stay rental is a practical and flexible solution.

Additionally, it also offers a number of benefits compared to other temporary hosting options. Properties are generally fully furnished and equipped with everything needed for a comfortable stay. Which means tenants don't have to worry about purchasing furniture or kitchen appliances. Furthermore, many short-stay rentals are located in central areas and close to tourist attractions, allowing renters to make the most of their stay in a new city or country.

Finally, short-stay rentals can be a more economical option than other forms of temporary accommodation, such as hotels. Short-stay rentals are usually offered at competitive prices and often include services such as cleaning and maintenance, meaning tenants can save money compared to the cost of a hotel. With all these advantages, it's easy to see why short-stay rentals are a popular and practical choice for those in need of temporary accommodation.

What is long-term rental?

Long-stay rentals are a temporary accommodation option that allows tenants to stay in a property for a longer period of time than traditional short-term rentals. Generally, long-stay rentals are offered to tenants who require accommodation for a minimum period of one month, although some landlords may offer rental agreements of up to a year or more. With this type of rental, tenants can enjoy high-standard, comfortable and affordable accommodation for a longer period. No major financial commitments like a long-term rental.

One of the main advantages of long-stay rentals is the flexibility it offers tenants. In many cases, it allows them to adjust their travel and stay plans as needed without penalties or additional fees. This can be particularly useful for expats, business travelers, or people who are moving to a new city and need a place to stay while they look for a permanent home. Additionally, tenants who opt for long-stay rentals can enjoy more affordable prices for high-quality properties. This way, getting discounts than on longer contracts.

Another advantage of long-stay renting is that it can offer a sense of stability and security to tenants. Instead of having to move every few days or weeks, tenants who opt for long-stay rentals can settle into one place for a longer period of time and develop a sense of community. Additionally, long-stay rentals can also offer the opportunity to settle in a specific neighborhood. Or trying out a different lifestyle for an extended period of time, which can be an enriching and exciting experience.

Specialized advice on high-end properties in Florianópolis

A compra de um imóvel de luxo ou alto padrão em Florianópolis pode ser uma grande oportunidade de investimento e prestamos assessoria imobiliária especializada. Para que esse processo se torne menos complexo e desafiador, feito de escolhas inteligentes. É por isso que é essencial contar com uma assessoria especializada na hora da compra de um imóvel desse tipo.

We help you find the best options according to your ideas, needs, planning and budget, in addition to providing valuable information about the city's real estate market. With our support, you will have access to exclusive properties that may not be available on the general market. In addition to obtaining a huge range of information about local infrastructure, price trends and other important factors that can influence your investment decision.

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+ 55 48 99660 6799

Category: Economy, Floripa