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May 1, 2024

Agrishow 2024: The Largest Agricultural Technology Fair

Agrishow 2024, held annually in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, is consolidated as the largest agricultural technology fair in Latin America and one of the most important events in global agribusiness. The fair brings together around 800 exhibitors from 30 countries and more than 200 thousand visitors, including rural producers, sector professionals, authorities and students.

Agrishow 2024 is a space for Innovations and Business

In a space of 520 thousand square meters, Agrishow 2024 presented the latest trends in agricultural technology, from machines and implements to digital and precision solutions. Visitors were able to get up close and personal with innovative launches in the areas of:

  • Precision agriculture: Drones, sensors, software and other tools that allow producers to optimize the use of resources, thus increasing productivity and reducing costs.
  • Agricultural Automation: Autonomous tractors, automated harvesters and other solutions that aim to reduce the need for labor. As well as increasing the efficiency of agricultural operations.
  • Agricultural Sustainability: Agricultural practices that aim to preserve the environment, that is, organic agriculture, water and soil erosion management and the use of renewable energy.
  • Precision Livestock: Technologies that allow monitoring the health of animals, and in this way, optimizing food and improving the quality of products.

A Thermometer of Rural Economic Activity

In addition to presenting the latest news in agricultural technology, Agrishow also serves as a thermometer of economic activity in the countryside. In the 2024 edition, the fair projected the turnover of R$ 13 billion in business, equaling the 2023 record. This positive result reflects the strength of Brazilian agribusiness, which even in the face of challenges such as the drop in prices of commodities and the rise in interest rates remains one of the strong pillars of the national economy.

Challenges and Perspectives for Agribusiness

Despite the positive moment, Brazilian agribusiness faces some challenges, such as:

  • Lower commodity prices: Prices for key agricultural commodities such as soybeans, corn and cotton have fallen significantly in recent months. In this way, it affects the income of producers.
  • Interest rise: Rising interest rates make it difficult for producers to access credit, which can limit investments in new technologies and infrastructure.
  • Extreme weather events: Drought, floods and other extreme weather events can affect agricultural production and increase producers' costs.
  • Unavailability of Safra Plan resources: The Safra Plan, the main credit program for Brazilian agribusiness, has unavailable resources. In other words, this makes access to credit difficult for producers.

Despite these challenges, Brazilian agribusiness has positive prospects for the future. The demand for food in the world is growing and Brazil is one of the largest food producers and exporters in the world. Furthermore, the country has great potential to increase its agricultural production in a sustainable way, using new technologies and agricultural practices.

Agrishow as a Platform for Agribusiness Development

Agrishow is consolidated as a fundamental platform for the development of Brazilian agribusiness. The fair offers rural producers the opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in agricultural technology, do business and exchange experiences with other professionals in the sector. Furthermore, Agrishow is also an important space for debates on the main challenges and opportunities of Brazilian agribusiness.

Agribusiness makes it possible to exchange commodities for stability: High-Standard Properties in Florianópolis. On Plan or Ready to Move In.

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Category: Luxury Blog