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April 11, 2024

Soy as Currency of Exchange: An Essential Mechanism for the Brazilian Economy

Soy is one of Brazil's main agricultural products, occupying a prominent position in the national and international economic scenario. In other words, its importance extends beyond traditional production and marketing, with soy assuming a crucial role as currency trading em diversas transações. Inclusive na compra de imóveis na planta ou prontos para morar/alugar em Florianópolis.

The Safra Plan and Soy as Bargaining Currency

The Safra Plan, an initiative of the Federal Government, offers rural producers the opportunity to use soy as a bargaining chip. This alternative allows farmers to purchase goods and services without the need to sell the harvest in the traditional market. This way, through accredited companies, the producer can exchange their production. Such as, for example, agricultural inputs, machines and implements, vehicles and services. And even for real estate, and as a result, it generates more possibilities to diversify the investment portfolio and have more profitability in the medium and long term. Considering the constant appreciation of the property market along the coast of Santa Catarina.

Benefits of Soy as a Currency

Using soy as an exchange currency offers several benefits to rural producers, including:

  • Financial planning: Allows the producer anticipate purchase of inputs and goods, that is, guaranteeing better prices and avoiding the impact of inflation.
  • Cash management: Reduces the need for working capital, thus freeing up resources for other investments in the property.
  • Protection against market fluctuations: Reduces the risk of losses due to the volatility of soybean prices, as the exchange value is fixed at the time of negotiation.
  • Agility in transactions: It simplifies the purchasing process, that is, reducing bureaucracy and transportation and storage costs.

Soy and Real Estate Market

Soy also stands out as a bargaining chip in the real estate market, especially in the country's agricultural regions. But currently this scenario is changing. Because this practice offers producers the opportunity to invest in real estate using your production as a form of payment. Negotiations can be carried out in two main ways:

  • Conversion of property value into grains: The value of the property is converted into bags of soybeans, thus divided into installments throughout the harvest.
  • Installment in values with adjustment linked to soybeans: The value of the property is fixed in reais, but payment is made on harvest dates, with adjustments linked to the price of soybeans on the market.

Investing in off-plan or ready-to-move-in properties with exchange currency

Assets such as luxury and high-end properties become reality: Em Florianópolis, capital de Santa Catarina, a soja viabiliza a compra de imóveis de alto padrão no Campeche. We accept the commodities as a form of payment, opening doors for those looking to invest in a high-standard property, in a privileged location, with sea view in upscale neighborhoods of the city. This option offers flexibility and security to the investor, protecting them from market volatility.

Soy in the Current Scenario

The 2023/24 soybean harvest is underway in Brazil, with a fast pace and prospects for good productivity. Despite the decline in some regions due to the climate, the country is still expected to record the second largest harvest in history, consolidating its position as largest exporter in the world of the grain.

Soy: Agribusiness Giant Conquers the World

Record production propels Brazil to the top of the podium: In 2023, Brazil harvested the largest soybean harvest in history, with 153.6 million tons, according to CONAB. The South American giant is consolidating itself as a global leader, accounting for 38% of world production, according to the USDA.

Conquering markets and boosting the economy: China, the main destination for Brazilian soybeans, imported 87.5 million tons in 2023, according to GEOCAP. A commodity generates billions in revenue for the country and boosts agribusiness, one of the pillars of the national economy.


Soy as a currency of exchange is configured as a essential mechanism for the Brazilian economy, especially for agribusiness. This practice offers several benefits to rural producers, facilitating access to inputs, goods and services, in addition to contributing to the dynamization of the market and the diversification of investment options.

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Category: Economy, Luxury Blog